How to make beer rimworld
How to make beer rimworld

how to make beer rimworld

Lastly, if neither of the above really interests you beer and drugs make very good bargaining chips for most merchants, so I like to keep a large stockpile to trade. This will help them relax a bit and get their stress out so they can continue working for the day instead of having a mental break.

how to make beer rimworld

Alternatively, if it's early in the work day, a colonist seems upset and you're worried they might break before their rec time, you can tell them to go drink a beer or smoke a joint.

how to make beer rimworld

To answer your question about usefulness, I can give you the same answer for all recreational drugs: They can be used to quickly fill recreation, which can sometimes allow colonists to keep working during recreation time because their need for it is already full. If they happen to develop an addiction however, they'll start ignoring the other options more often than not. Keep your beer, chocolate and recreational drugs on shelves in your recreation room, so all of your recreation options are in the same place, this makes sure they have plenty of options instead of just smoking or drinking all the time because the drug/beer stockpile was closer at the time. Psychites tend to be much more addictive though, and I find once people get a taste for yayo, they'll almost always drink tea or snort yayo instead of drinking beer, smokeleaf or chocolate. I think the more recreational options you have, the less likely colonists are to develop addictions, since they won't always choose to drink. I don't find alcoholism to be too rampant, perhaps because I also have lots of smokeleaf and chocolate as well.

How to make beer rimworld